Concrete ways to make a difference for your child, your family, your community
Get Involved
Supporting Our Youth has Never been so Easy.
Our mission is to build a community where youth thrive supported by their parents, their peers, and the community to live substance-free, violence-free, and emotionally healthy lives. To do this we team up with every sector including youth, parents, caregivers, educators, faith leaders, business leaders, law enforcement, and health professionals.
Strong Community Coalition
Volunteers from all sectors are the backbone of WCCTC. Here are just a few ways to contribute your time, expertise and much more:
• Share media campaigns via email or social media.
• Post a Youth Matter sign on your property or in your window.
• Host a Prevention workshop
• Join an Action Committee; Share Your Input
• Mentor or Sponsor a Teen
Volunteer Opportunities Today
Here are some specific opportunities to volunteer today with WCCTC:
For Youth: Join other local teens using their voice and their skills to positively impact their peers as part of our THRIVE Leadership Club, Choose your own project, lead a group event, or join us in person or via Zoom at an upcoming THRIVE meeting.
For Parents: Help create a buzz around building resilience in your school or faith community.
For Business Professionals: WCCTC is looking for marketing, communications, and PR professionals who are passionate about helping today’s youth hone real-world skills and use their voices to impact change in our community.
Help Us Spread the Word:
Buy a yard sign and help spread the important message that the community cares. Remind anyone passing by that YOUTH MATTER to West Chester.