Concrete ways to make a difference for your child, your family, your community
Faith organizations are instrumental in creating a sense of belonging that is critical to mental health, social and emotional development and the prevention of addiction.
See below for opportunities to engage congregations and the community in prevention efforts that create thriving youth and families throughout the West Chester area.
Thanks to our colleagues in Erie, PA for this great campaign.
Why We Care about Faith
Prevention science lists "Religiosity", defined by participation in faith based activities, as a leading protective factor in the fight to prevent risk behaviors like underage substance use, violence and suicide. West Chester's PA Youth Survey data ranks religiosity as our lowest protective factor.
THRIVE is our youth initiative created by teens, for teens to build a community of thriving teens.
Area youth design community message campaigns that engage their peers in leading healthy lifestyles, free from addictive substances. Teens learn real world marketing skills and have fun while giving back to the community.