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Concrete ways to make a difference for your child, your family, your community
About Opioids & Prescription Drugs
West Chester Teen Data
Over the last two years, recreational Rx drug use has gone down in all grade levels.
100% of 6th graders who do try Rx drugs recreationally, get them from the home.
Why We Care
The rate of recreational Rx drug use, including opioids, goes up considerably in ages 18-24.
In the News
Strategies for Parents
Lock up or dispose of Rx medications.
Visit to find a nearby place for safe disposal.
Strategies for Parents of Elementary aged Children
Eat. Eating right for brain health will plant the seed that our brains are as important as our bodies.
Play. Games and puzzles exercise the brain.
Talk. Say out loud how much you value brain health.
Watch. Look for teachable moments in movies, TV, online and the community.
Discuss your values on addictive substances and why they are dangerous for developing brains.
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