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PAYS Report

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The Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) is a nationally recognized tool, administered in schools throughout the Commonwealth.  The PAYS gives us key data points on which to draw sound conclusions and determine a community-wide approach to addressing the most influential risk and protective factors impacting our youth today. Each risk and protective factor category is proven by social science research to impact outcomes for youth.

The Numbers


of teens who vape now use nicotine instead of just flavoring. That is a 40% jump from 2017.


of all teenage substance use pertained to drugs and alcohol accessed from home


of youth who drink alcohol report getting it directly from their parents


of WCASD teens reported feeling sad or depressed most days

Why We Care

Parents and the broader community are at the forefront of substance use prevention affecting West Chester youth. By knowing the facts, we can all serve as role models and create a culture that leads teens toward health, resilience, and confidence.

The teen brain is not fully developed until the mid 20's, making youth vulnerable to addiction 

80% of all people in treatment for substance use began using addictive substances before age 25

75% of teens report parents are the leading influence on their decisions on substances.

50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24

Risk & Protective Factors

Building a community of thriving teens relies on a variety of efforts to reduce risks and enhance the protections that promote healthy lifestyles among youth.

Strong Law Enforcement

Law enforcement serve our community and are important in mitigating drug use among youth.

Community Connection

For happy, healthy youth, meaningful contributions and connections beyond family are crucial for development.

Family-Based Attachment

It is never too early to lay the foundations that will protect youth against risk as they grow.

Find tools here

Commitment To School

Meaningful work, connections, and recognition foster deeper school engagement, building youth confidence and resilience.

Become a Parent Prevention Liaison

Faith Practice & Spirituality

Want to help connect your faith community with more primary prevention resources?

Contact Us

Know The Facts

Knowing the facts helps parents to have meaningful and effective conversations about substance use and mental health. Check out our resource page for more tools to help navigate these conversations.  

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