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Concrete ways to make a difference for your child, your family, your community
About Alcohol
West Chester Data
57% of surveyed youth know adults who have gotten drunk or high.
# of middle school binge drinkers is low (2%), but has doubled since 2015.
Learn more about our data source.
Why We Care
The younger a person starts drinking, the more problems they are likely to have with alcohol later in life.
Research in the US and Europe shows that introduction of alcohol in the home increases the likelihood of alcohol use and related problems in later years.
Strategies for Parents
Consider these tips from local prevention and counseling professionals.
Guard your language. Phrases like: "I need/deserve a drink." suggest that alcohol solves a problem.
Find healthy ways to celebrate special occasions.
Host an "Appy Hour". Show youth in your home that adults can have a good time without alcohol.
Keep track of and/or lock up your alcohol.
Model responsible behavior. Adult actions really do influence teen behavior.
Remind your kids that the majority of West Chester area teens are NOT drinking alcohol.
In lieu of tracking apps, discuss plans directly with your teen and other parents. This way they'll see your commitment to them in action.
For Parents of Elementary aged Children
Eat. Eating right for brain health will plant the seed that our brains are as important as our bodies.
Play. Games and puzzles exercise the brain.
Talk. Say out loud how much you value brain health.
Watch. Look for teachable moments in movies, TV, online and the community.
Discuss your values on alcohol and why addictive substances are dangerous for developing brains.
75% of teens report parents are their leading influence
on issues regarding addicitive substances.
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
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